Inspirational Story

Answers to Prayer that Test Our Faith

This is also from Youth Prays, God Answers y Glenn Coon.

Dorothy Robinson wrote these words: “My daughter’s school bill was high.  Realising that she could not take her nine-week test until it was paid, I prayed and claimed the promise, ‘My God shall supply all your needs.’ Philippians 4:19.

My husband and I dedicated our income tax refund towards this bill.  We thought it would amount to one hundred and nineteen dollars, but we received only seventy-nine dollars.  I was greatly disappointed, to say the least, but we managed to scrape together a little more money and the school allowed my daughter to take her tests, although the bill was not paid in full.

Last year I had performed some services for which I received a fifty dollar gift.  I assumed that the same amount would be forthcoming for the same services this year.  This also, I had dedicated toward the school bill.

A few days ago I received a letter containing the gift.  Instead of fifty dollars it was only ten dollars.  I was really discouraged and shed a few tears.  I know the Bible says we ought to ‘leap for joy’, Luke 6:23, when trials come, but I was ready to leap in anger.  There was bitterness, resentment and discouragement in my heart.  I said, ‘Why Lord, Why?’ I was not really accepting the trial which the Lord had allowed to come to me.  I went around all that evening talking discouragement.  I was discouraging everybody.

During the night I realised I was doing Satan’s work, and I asked the Lord for forgiveness.  A peace came over me, and I know, mentally at least, what it was to ‘leap for joy’.  The Lord took away the bitterness and discouragement.  I didn’t know where the money was coming from, but I felt that the Lord would provide, and with this I went to sleep.

The following day another letter came containing a forty dollar check.  I said that a mistake had been made and this was the balance of the fifty dollars that was due me.

I then realised why the Lord had delayed this money in coming.  He was testing my faith, and endeavouring to strengthen me.  I praised the Lord that the bitterness and disappointment had been taken from my heart before He supplied the need.  The bill is still not completely paid, but I have faith that the Lord will supply the res of the money, even as He has promised.  I know the bill will be paid in time for my daughter to take her final exams.”

Dorothy sent a postscript a few days later: “Not only has the Lord provided for the payment of the old school bill, but He has given my daughter a job for the summer which will pay almost all of her next year’s school bill as well!  Truly the Lord has supplied all my need, abundantly, more than I could ask or think.  Praise His name!  Never again will I ever hesitate to ‘leap for joy’ when trouble comes my way.  I know the Lord will see me through.”