Category: Inspirational Story
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The ABC to overcome
"Temptations often appear irresistible because, through neglect of prayer and the study of the Bible…
Are you saved?
More from Youth Prays, God Answers by Glenn Coon. "Are you saved?" That very morning I had bee…
A Prayer of Commitment for Healing and Salvation
Another story from Youth Prays God Answers by Glenn Coon. This story was shared by Margaret Edge.…
Answers to Prayer that Test Our Faith
This is also from Youth Prays, God Answers y Glenn Coon. Dorothy Robinson wrote these words: “My…
Power of Prayer
Another story from Youth Prays God Answers “My husband and I were worried. It had been two years…
Miracle Healing
Another story from Youth Prays God Answers. “Well, this is it, for me.” though Helen when she hea…
ABC Prayer Program
Another story from Youth Prays God Answers. Wayne was attending the classes on prayer and had come…
Conditions to Prayer
Another story from Youth Prays God Answers. John Ash and his daughter Helen were having problems.…
Our Heavenly Fathers Gifts
From Youth Prays God Answers. Sometimes the Lord uses neighbours like Mrs Garrison to bring answe…
Borrowing from God
Another story from Youth Prays—God Answers. John and Joan had four little children. In this mode…
Prayer Saves a Crop
Another story from Youth Prays—God Answers. The weather forecast indicated one day it would be on…
Prayer Stops the Weather
This is from the book Youth Prays, God Answers by Glenn Coon. As Nina and Ken kneeled to bring a…
Prayer for Daily Needs
Glenn Coon’s book Youth Prays, God Answers tells the story of Frank and Sue Winner. Frank and Sue…
Prayer for the Salvation of Others
This is from Glenn Coon’s Youth Prays– God Answers. One of the questions that is more often asked…
Witness of Creation
Recently, Calvin Smith from Creation Ministries, Canada was speaking at a church in a rural Ontario,…
Prayer During Exams
This is from Glenn Coon’s Youth Prays—God Answers. "Semester exams have always been a headache to…
Answered Prayers at School
Glenn Coon was invited to take a Week of Prayer at The Mountain School encouraging the ABC of prayin…
Seeds of Joy
Thank you to Lilly for sharing this devotional story from…
Prayer Changes Lives
Bob was not a hardened criminal, but he was heading that way. He was smoking, drinking and dabbling…
Creation Testimony
This is a testimony letter from the Creation Ministries International website: Thank you so much…
Creation and Christianity
Sonia’s Testimony (Not the Sonia we know—this Sonia lives in Australia and has a degree in Chemistry…
Prayer, Faith or Presumption
Glenn Coon tells of his ‘Gethsemane Experience’ There was a time in his life when his doctor told…
Three Parts to a Prayer
This is paraphrased from the book The ABC of Prayer by Glenn Coon This individual was once a Chri…
What God Wants for Us
This is from the book God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew. Despite everything that had happened I wa…
Faith that Moves Mountains
Mountain Moving Faith by Gordon Moyes from the book Australian Stories for the Heart. What mounta…
Persistent Witness
From Australian Stories for the heart. Written by Warwick Saxby: We had been living in Nimbin va…
The Personal Jesus
This is from the book Too Busy NOT to pray by Bill Hybels. In college I met a lecturer who amazed…
Witness in Death
This is from A Heart for North Korea by Nicole Todd 7 February 2019 For the…
Brother or Enemy?
This is from the book Light Force by Brother Andrew Salim Munayer was an energetic and enthusiast…
Love Your Enemies
This is from the book Light Force by Brother Andrew: What he saw among the boys at Hope School di…
Spiritually War Rich
Inspirational Story This is from Light Force by Brother Andrew. Brother Andrew started an organi…
Unanswered or Answered Prayer
This is a story by Gordon Moyes in the book Australian Stories for the Soul. In mid-19…
Witness as an atheist
This is from Sharing Your Faith by Don Mackintosh. In the end witnessing is all about love! “We l…
Personal Ministry
This is a story written by Michael Frost in the book Australian Stories for the Heart. I know of…
Loving the unlovely
The following is a story told by Dave Andrews in the book Australian Stories for the Heart. Some…
God’s Will
The following is from the book Steps to Personal Revival by Helmut Haubell . We have a worldwide…
Why aren’t my Prayers Answered?
This is a excerpt from More Incredible Answer to Prayer by Roger Morneau A large number of Christ…